Monday, February 25, 2013

Be at Peace Do Not Be Anxious

I would like to direct anyone who is looking for a good devotional to one  of the most excellent devotions this world has to offer by a Christian man named Oswald Chambers. It was my first devotional given to me by my first Christian women mentors  in a MOPS group that I served in when my children were young. I have since found that it is still my favorite among many that have been written. 

As I was reading my devotion this morning, above link, it got me thinking about the times when God has spoke to me, when I hear his voice most clearly. I have noticed that when I am feeling anxious I am sure to find out that I am in the flesh and not in the spirit. My body at my age reacts and I cannot ignore it, it waves a red flag and I must stop and change my thinking or suffer the physical consequences.   My anxiety has got me into more trouble than I would dare mention here this morning. I strive to live in the spirit of God, and in that way I can have peace and good health for as far as I am able.  Living in the spirit means obedience to do that which is not normally what we as people are prone to do. It means putting the word of God first each day, reading his word, memorizing his word, and talking to God in the most honest and sincere way we know how. Giving everything over to God and not be anxious.  I have lived three fourths of my life so far and one thing has become very important to me, peace.  Not peace as in peace in quiet although I love that too of course, but peace of mind, peace of heart, a good conscience, a calm spirit and resolve that what I am doing has purpose and I am not in charge of it all, but God is. Everything will work out perfect if I am in the right step with God. 
I would just like to encourage you if you are reading this to spend sometime telling God you love him and thanking him for this very hour of his mercy and grace, no matter what your circumstance.  He is the God for your storms. For he has given us all the grace we need to lead a peaceful and purposeful life. We need to live in today and not worry about tomorrow, for Jesus told us there is enough evil in one day, today, let us not waste today worrying about tomorrow, tomorrow will come soon enough. Rejoice in today, today is the day the Lord has made, I will be happy in it. We can find joy in today if we put our thoughts on the Lord Jesus. He will give us the joy we need and settle our restless hearts. 

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  Matt 11:30
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.  Proverbs 16:3
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.   Phil 4:6

- King James Bible "

Have a wonderful day, remember God is for you and God loves you, and he will take care of you. He is God. Trust the Lord. 

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