Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Sunday was a happy day, we had a baptism in the cold Nooksack river. Baptism shows the church, believers in attendance that the Spirit of God has been received into the heart of the person baptized. Jesus has been received into the heart and life of the believer.  The person has realized that they are a sinner and has trusted what Christ did on the cross two thousand years ago for the forgiveness of sins. All sins can be forgiven, God can forgive any sin. The only sin that will never be forgiven in this world or the next is to deny what God did on the cross, if a person dies in that state they will have to pay for their own sins in Hell for all eternity will all bitterness and suffering.
There is not one small shred of salvation connected to a person's baptism, it is done in obedience to God.  It is by the spirit of God being received in a person's heart that brings salvation.  Water never saved anyone and never will only that faith that God works in a person's heart brings Salvation.   Put your trust in Jesus alone and his precious blood that he shed for you. The thief on the cross trusted in a perfect saviour, along with a repent heart and that recipe made him acceptable to God to enter God's Kingdom.  He never touched water, Jesus never even mentioned baptism to him, baptism is not required for salvation, faith is.  It is so simple.  We must believe God not man if we are to have the right doctrine and a saving faith. Many will be in Heaven that were never baptized, many will not be in Heaven that were baptized.

Still remember this, God commands us to be Baptized, so do not neglect what God commands. This is the first thing one should do after being saved.

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