Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Running into my Daddy's Arms

This picture is so sweet of my Daddy and me. I believe he had it colored because everything back then was black and white when it was taken. I love my little shorts and red tennis shoes. This picture was taken in Big Bear where my Grandparents had a cabin, my Dad told me he would put me on a picnic table in the woods and I would run as fast as I could and jump off the edge and trust he  would  catch me. He used to laugh and tell me he almost did not get back to the end of the table to catch me a few times, he said I had perfect trust that he would catch me, never a fear I might "splat".
Last Sunday night our dear preacher was giving a sermon about running into our Father's arms and trusting that he will catch us."Trust" that is the key. I know God will always catch us just like my Daddy did if we are in his will, and he is such a good God and so merciful he even catches us when we are being rebellious, if we are his child he promises never to leave us.
I have been told that I have a lot of faith and trust in God, if I do it is because of God not me, also it is because God gave me a good Daddy that I could always trust and would always be there for me when I needed him.  I have so much to be thankful for.

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